Emami Art
Deadline: 26/08/2023
The Emami Art Experimental Film Festival (EAEFF)’23 open call aims to enhance the most innovative aspects of contemporary cinema’s audio-visual languages and reduce the distance between artistic research and public intellectual involvement.
Particular attention will be paid to young and independent filmmakers and to self-made no-budget works as a result of the individual search. A variety of art forms are welcomed: video art, experimental film, animation, music video, flickr film, found footage, essay film, diary film, home movie, hand-painted film, mockumentary (mock artistic documentary), audiovisual performance, and other structural innovations. Short films (up to 20 minutes) and mid-length films (up to 30 minutes), and long-duration films (up to 60 minutes) made during 2020-23 are eligible for the competition section.
Submissions are welcome from emerging and established artists who subvert and redefine traditional narrative forms and broaden our understanding and perception by discovering a new film form and a language founded in their practice-based experience.
More details are available here