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Applications Open

Inlaks Research Travel Grant

Deadline: 31/07/2024


The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation has been supporting innovative work in research and scholarship for more than four decades. The Inlaks Research Travel Grant assists registered PhD. Students of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indian universities to undertake short-term visits to institutions abroad to collect material, use facilities and consult experts. 



  • Be a registered PhD candidate at an Indian university for at least two years but not more than three years at the time of the application. 
  • Have a first-class degree at the Bachelor’s (Honors) and Masters level. 
  • Be born on or after 1stJanuary 1989.  
  • Be an Indian passport holder, currently residing in India. 
  • Be pursuing Phd in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences ONLY.  


  • The application form is accessible and downloadable at the end of this page 
  • A sample of written work (3000-5000 words) on the topic of research should accompany the application. This should preferably be a draft chapter (with full annotation and documentation) as part of the PhD thesis along with details regarding the reading list, surveys or any other work done towards the thesis. 
  • Evidence of positive communication with the resource person or institution abroad and an agreement of the arrangements made. 
  • Written evidence from the applicant’s PhD supervisor stating: 
    • The candidate’s ability, focus and progress in the work done under their supervision. 
    • The candidate’s need to go abroad. 
    • That the funds for the visit abroad cannot be obtained from any other source. 
  • Two reference letters (This is separate from PhD Supervisor’s recommendation letter). 
  • Passport Copy (first and last page) in PDF format. 



The award offers financial support for a maximum of 3 months to undertake research at an institution, library and meet with experts in the field, which includes: 

  • Reasonable travel allowance reimbursable on actuals (up to USD 1000). 
  • Maintenance expenses (up to USD 2000 per month). 
  • Funds for buying materials and making copies of relevant literature reimbursable on actuals (up to USD 500). 
  • Health allowance reimbursable on actuals (up to USD 500). 
  • Any material collected by the candidate using the said allowance (literature, copies, instruments etc.) will become the property of the candidate’s institution for wider use. 
  • All this material must carry a statement regarding the support received from the Inlaks Research and Travel Grant. 
  • The grant must be utilized within 9 months from it being awarded. 
  • The candidate will be expected to go through a two-tier selection process: 
  • A first round of short-listing on the basis of the written evidence submitted. 
  • An interview either in person or over zoom with a panel of experts. 
  • The candidates short-listed for the interview will be informed by last week August 2024. The final interviews will be held in early September 2024. 
  • A candidate can apply for either the ‘Inlaks Research and Travel Grant’ or the ‘Inlaks-Kings India Institute Studentship’ in any given year. 


Completed application along with attachments should be emailed to with the subject line: Application for IRTG-2024