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Top five things to see at India Art Fair

January, 2019

Fair Director Jagdip Jagpal reveals the experiences you cannot miss at this annual celebration of modern and contemporary art from South Asia that takes place in New Delhi...

Times Travel

The most incredible festivals in February 2019 in India

January, 2019

2019 is here, and we are already looking out for the most fun things to do. Festivals in February will give you let you bounce back to all the fun times you just left behind in December, 2018...

The New York Times

India’s contemporary art market makes a cautious comeback

June, 2018

A decade ago, when the market for Indian contemporary art suddenly plummeted after a few years of exuberant sales, a lot of galleries switched to the seemingly safer realms of well-established Indian modern artists...


India Art Fair gets a slick new makeover

May, 2018

Fair director Jagdip Jagpal, who moved to New Delhi at the end of 2017 to take the job, said at the lack of high profile panel discussions: “Instead of flying in international speakers who already have a platform, we flew in the artists to speak for themselves...