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Biography: Avinash Veeraraghavan

9-12 February, 2018

India Art Fair Grounds

In Biography, Avinash Veeraraghavan collates a series of collages, prints and embroidered images; each a mental signpost in his long- running exploration of the nature of self. Over the decades his art has engaged closely with the mystery of consciousness and how it generates a seemingly real self. In addition, he has dallied, dangerously, with the quasi- religious possibility of a consciousness that connects us all in perhaps unknown ways.

All the images in this work provide a glimpse of hard-won coherence amidst the din and the roaring profusion of patterns and habits that constitute our daily experience of life. Each panel exhumes layers of experience that simultaneously co-exist. The images are intensely personal, bordering on the solipsistic and tell of a particular journey. Yet the collection also reflects universal concerns: the unyielding interiority of thought, the fragile architecture of our emotional lives, and the cosmic humor and loneliness of simply being.

Supported by GALLERYSKE