TARQ is excited to present Edifice Complex, the latest solo exhibition of works by artist Sameer Kulavoor, at the new gallery space.
In this exhibition, architecture is once again the main protagonist. The city in question is an unnamed, ubiquitous entity. A place where design and architecture are born out of responsiveness and resourcefulness rather than a result of extensive detailed pre-planning. Kulavoor’s works explore this theme, particularly inthe context of post-independenceaspirations taking the shape of structures built in “tier-one” and “tier-two”towns across India. In these new post-modern structures, he found a distinct visual language that reminded him of the works of the Milan based group, Memphis Milano -a rambunctious counter to the seriousness of Bauhaus and Modernism.
The exhibition presents a body of work across six series. Displayed in TARQ’s new home, this body of work places urban structures firmly in the foreground transferring the focus from the people that inhabit the city to the city itself.
Find out more on the gallery website.