Akar Prakar presents It’s Personal! a group show curated by Siddhi Shailendra, featuring the works of Arhant Shrestha, Debasish Mukherjee, Kaldi Moss, Manir Mrittik, Naghmeh Abbasi, Siavash Yazdanmehr and Zoya Siddiqui.
The phrase “It’s Personal!” carries certain connotations of intimacy and individuality and garners a level of conscious sensitivity from the reader. This exhibition is a visual experimentation and representation of the abstract idea of the “personal”. With an intricate tapestry of artistic mediums, vulnerabilities and identities, the artists in this exhibition present themselves and their intricacies through visual and sonic mediums.
With little to no space for interpretation, the works on display are a personal archive and experimentation of self within their contexts and geographies presented as an invitation into the artists’ intimate spaces.
Find out more about the show here.