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Living a Dark Night: Group Show

February 23-March 12, 2022

Gallery Espace, 16 Community Centre, New Friends Colony, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Gallery Espace and The Kala Chaupal Trust presents Living A Dark Night, an exhibition of black & white relief prints by numerous artists that respond to the COVID pandemic and the existential crisis that we have lived with now for over two years.

The project, which has been curated by Paula Sengupta, began as an open call to art students, teachers and independent artists to register their experiences of and reactions to the many facets of the pandemic – the sudden, draconian lockdown; the sight of migrant labourers rendered jobless and walking hundreds of kilometres from cities to village homes; the devastating second wave that struck old and young, men and women, killing so many, so fast that the crematoriums struggled to cope and bodies choked the rivers. And not to forget, the angels of mercy –doctors, caring citizens, educational and religious institutions – who stepped in to offer succor.

Find out more on Gallery Espace website.