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Mery Borah Rhythm of My Colour Palette – 1 2018 Oil on Canvas 47.5 x 36 in

Love Pours From My Wounds: Mery Borah

August 24-October 1, 2023

Vida Heydari Contemporary, Marvel Alaina, Lane 8, Koregaon Park, Pune

Vida Heydari Contemporary presents Mery Borah’s debut solo, Love Pours From My Wounds curated by Shaunak Mahbubani. The exhibition takes its title from Aija Mayrock’s poem Dear Girl.

“We speak in tongues like the outcast and the insane…how dare we reveal the human flesh underneath,” asks Chicana writer Gloria Anzaldúa1, articulating the fetters imposed on women’s emotions, especially those from historically oppressed backgrounds. In her first solo exhibition at VHC, Borah subverts these constraints, claiming the densely layered impasto canvas as a conduit for powerful expressions of alienation.

Find out more about the show here.