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The Monsoon Room: Red Earth

September 24-October 16, 2022

Method Bandra, Shop No.5, Pearl Haven Apartments, Chapel Rd, St Sebastian Colony, Mount Mary, Bandra West, Maharashtra, India

Method Bandra presents The Monsoon Room by Red Earth. The Monsoon Room creates a moody haze around the city’s monsoon with photography, graphic, text/poetry, and monsoon-inspired merchandise. From documentative to meditative-expressive bodies of work, three young artists essay their own whimsical interpretations of the Monsoon in Mumbai in their highly individualistic styles.

The city has a rich monsoon culture unparalleled elsewhere in the country, and Red Earth brings The Monsoon Festival to Mumbai, which takes significant cultural importance, in being a landmark event that uncovers aspects of Mumbai’s love-hate Monsoon experience; for the first time in this expansive way.

The festival research and documentation centers around varied sub-themes that are intrinsic to the Mumbai monsoon experience: from landscapes and cityscapes; to the human experience and emotions attendant herein; objects and material culture; the matrix of cultural elements and tropes; and the dark side of the Monsoon.