The Gujral Foundation
The Gujral Foundation is a non-profit set up in 2008, nurturing talent in the realms of art, architecture, culture and design in the Indian subcontinent and beyond. The Foundation has been steadfast in its dedication to enrich the contemporary arts and cultural ecosystem in India and has supported 150+ artists and presented 50+ exhibitions. Curating and contributing to national and international projects has been the mainstay of the Foundation, including the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, My East is Your West – a collateral event at the 56th Venice Biennale, Contour Biennale 8, the 11th Shanghai Biennale, the 8th Berlin Biennale, The State of Indigo at the London Design Biennale, Colomboscope, the contemporary Indian artists Desire Machine Collective at The British Museum and Forgotten Masters: Indian Painting for the East India Company at the Wallace Collection, To What Shore You Cross at ASIA NOW: Paris Asian Art Fair, Memory’s Cut: Its Deep Embrace at the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet.