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Dots for a Pause : Group Show

January 9-February 9, 2025

Sakshi Gallery, 8/9,Third Pasta Lane Colaba, Mumbai, India

Sakshi Gallery presents, ‘Dots for a Pause’ will showcase art-making strategies that involve intense, repetitive mark-making to produce handmade visuals. It will survey artistic vocabularies made of meticulously rendered lines, dots, or patterns using pens, brushes, pigments, grains, paper cuts, surface puncturing, and embroidery.

In the current times when all over the world there is a crisis of attention, the call for meditative commitment for your art practice seems incongruous. In his bestseller book “Stolen Focus,” British-Swiss writer Johann Hari provides a researched analysis of the phenomenon of distraction and its impact on our lives.

Find out more here.