Ojas Art presents Drawing Life, a group show featuring works by Warli artists, Balu J Mashe, Mayur and Tushar Vayeda, Rajesh Chaitya Vangad, Ramesh Hengadi, Sadashiv J Mashe, and Shantaram Gorkhana.
On display in the exhibition will be about 20 artworks that have been specially commissioned for this exhibition and are mostly in a large format, measuring up to 5 feet by 8 feet. The Warli tribals or indigenous people speak of ancient times and evoke their ancestral cultures, dating back to 2500 BC, through their ritualistic paintings made as murals on walls. Mainly created
by women to mark and observe weddings, ceremonies and joyous occasions, these murals were
made using soil, cow dung and rice paste.
Find out more about the show here.