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The Ground, Below: Ayisha Abraham

5-26 August, 2023

Gallery Sumukha 24/10, BTS Depot Road, Wilson Garden, Bengaluru, India

The Ground, Below by Ayisha Abraham invites you to delve into different material forms. Each cluster of images, and objects, along with an accompanying text, are fragments of a personal journey. It is an assemblage of things that are observed, found and collected; a photograph, a postcard, video footage, inanimate things, even living forms like moss, or a memory with emotions held close. As they converge upon the white walls of the gallery,  the artist seeks to create a space where individual narratives intertwine, finding connections and mapping a tapestry that explores relationships between places, people, ecosystems, and objects.

The ‘ground’, often overlooked in our bustling lives, serves as a foundation upon which we stand, and offers a platform for reflection on our surrounding worlds. This work explores the inconspicuous. A resounding crescendo of synchronized insect sounds echoes through the exhibition space, reminding us of the fleeting nature of beginnings and endings. It speaks to the non-monumental, and often unseen aspects that can permeate and enrich or disrupt our lives, much like a virus, or the dispersal of mist.

Find out more about the show here.