Akara Art presents The Third Epoch, a group show featuring works from modernists like Amrita Sher-Gil, MF Husain, Badri Narayan, KG Subramanyan, Sadanand Bakre, SH Raza, FN Souza, NS Bendre, KK Hebbar, Krishen Khanna, KH Ara, Haren Das, Meera Mukherjee, Reba Hore and J Swaminathan. The exhibition brings together a collection of artists born in the 1910s or 1920s whose adoption of a consciously international style distinguished them from an artist community that remained attached to colonial-era art movements. By removing the overhang of the Progressive Artists Group and placing some of its leading artists within a wider framework, the exhibition attempts to trigger a renewed conversation about historical affinities and encourage alternative readings of this tremendously innovative and productive era in Indian art.