MoMA presents Video After Video: The Critical Media of CAMP, The solo includes key works that trace the arc of CAMP’s interests over nearly two decades. These include Khirkeeyaan, a work initiated by CAMP co-founder Shaina Anand in 2006, and Bombay Tilts Down (2022), CAMP’s newest large-scale, multi-channel video and sound installation, which was recently acquired by MoMA. Both works are being shown in the US for the first time. The 2013 feature-length video From Gulf to Gulf to Gulf also returns to the museum after its first screening there in 2014. Each redefines relationships between video’s producers, distributors, and spectators: a participatory television network in a dense New Delhi neighbourhood; a film made from mobile phone footage and music in collaboration with sailors navigating trade routes across the Indian Ocean; and a dramatic, multi-channel “city symphony” of Mumbai filmed by pushing one cctv camera to its limits.
CAMP (established 2007) creates video, film, electronic media, and public interventions to scrutinise and rework the political and socioeconomic conditions that structure contemporary life. The solo at MoMA will feature pioneering works that engage ubiquitous imaging devices, and surveillance systems, using these media apparatuses as an artistic platform and medium.
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