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From films, interviews to features – join us as we explore the stories behind some of the most exciting artists in South Asia today

Artist Profiles

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Artist and writer Dhruv Jani runs independent video game studio, Studio Oleomingus, along with creative coder Sushant Chakaraborty. Watch this film to learn how they retell colonial narratives through video games and download their playable artist poster below

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Where I work: Afrah Shafiq

New media artist Afrah Shafiq joins us from her studio in a 90-year-old Indo-Portuguese style house in lush Goa

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Spray Cans and Geometry: Siddharth 'Khatra' Gohil

Graffiti and mural artist, Siddharth Gohil aka Khatra aspires to transform the city into an open gallery, made for and by all its citizens. Learn more about the artist’s process of creating larger-than-life public art through this special film and interview

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Stitching Together a Body: Mayuri Chari

For Goa-born artist Mayuri Chari, art is intertwined with her domestic life and community in rural Maharashtra. Find out about her belief in finding freedom through art through this special film and interview

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