Hylozoic/Desires (H/D), Himali Singh Soin and David Soin Tappeser’s artist duo, explore the various facets of salt — its political history, spiritual resonances and chemical properties as an artistic medium
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Hylozoic/Desires (H/D), Himali Singh Soin and David Soin Tappeser’s artist duo, explore the various facets of salt — its political history, spiritual resonances and chemical properties as an artistic medium
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Take a stroll down Rashmi Kaleka's world of living art in this BMW Artist Film, and discover what it takes to create an edible forest
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Step into Sameer Kulavoor's world of urban narratives in this BMW Artist Film, and discover how he transforms everyday observations into striking art installations and publications
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In this BMW Artist Film, artist Teja Gavankar invites us to witness how her spatial interventions unlock the extraordinary in the everyday.
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For Mumbai-based fibre artist liactuallee, each stitch is a step toward speculative futures and ecological storytelling. Explore their world of craft, queerness, and hope in this exclusive feature.
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Rooted in the rich traditions of Assam, artist Imon Chetia Phukan transforms textiles into vibrant narratives. Discover how her art explores identity, loss, and interconnectedness, drawing from her personal journey across diverse geographies, in this exclusive film and interview.
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For Bihar-born multidisciplinary artist Umesh S, art and agriculture intertwine to explore disappearing seeds and traditional farming knowledge. Discover his journey of preserving rural heritage through sculptural forms in this special film & feature.
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Anonymous artist, Princess Pea takes us into her world and introduces us to her alter ego which allows artistic freedom for herself and for the community she builds along the way.