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March 11-April 24, 2021

Tarq, F35/36 Dhanraj Mahal, Apollo Bunder, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

TARQ presents artist Boshudhara Mukherjee’s exhibition.

The exhibition presents eight recent works by the artist in her distinctive style of large-scale, tapestry-like installations of woven canvases. The title of the show, The Familiars, is inspired by a Wicca legend of ‘spirit guides’ or ‘familiars’ who are believed to take the form of an animal or human to guide individuals.

The familiars are a source of strength and wisdom; they are guardians and protectors. The artworks in this exhibition present the artist’s introspection of her sense of drawing closer to the lives around her, drawing sustenance and inspiration from them to conjure new beings in the form of her woven canvases.

To find out more, visit the gallery’s website here.