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April 13, 2024-February 28, 2025

Spore Initiative, Hermannstraße 86, Berlin-Neukölln, Germany

Spore Initiative is pleased to present The Spinning Wheels of Freedom, with contributions by Navdanya, The People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI), Mayur Vayeda and Tushar Vayeda.

In this exhibition, a video interview showcases the women-led initiatives of Navdanya, regenerating thousands of years of rural wisdom through songs, stories, and prayers to protect seeds and restore biodiversity. In addition to video interviews, the Cabinet resonates  with a song brought to us by The People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI). Sung by the women of rural Maharashtra, these devotional poems express deeply personal couplets on agriculture, rural politics, and society. A commissioned mural by sibling artists Mayur and Tushar Vayeda adorns the Cabinet walls, representing a Warli Adivasi (Indigenous) story on the birth of seed, rendered in the distinct traditional Warli painting method. The mural resembles a prehistoric cave painting; a visual depiction of the primordial creators of the world.

Find out more about the show here.