India’s first Magnum photographer, Raghu Rai welcomes us to his workspace and sanctuary in New Delhi where he makes music out of images
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India’s first Magnum photographer, Raghu Rai welcomes us to his workspace and sanctuary in New Delhi where he makes music out of images
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Photo-based artist Prasiit Sthapit tells stories of South Asia’s borderlines and contemporary Nepal
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Hannah Cecil Gurney, Director of de Gournay tells us about the time-honoured craft practices that define the global design house’s work
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Installation artist Asim Waqif welcomes us to his New Delhi studio, home to the residues of past projects and a laboratory for future experiments
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The aesthetic sensibilities of Mumbai-born architect Ashiesh Shah pays homage to craft through imaginative innovation
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We visit T. Venkanna’s home-studio in Hyderabad where the artist creates potent paintings and prints that expose the violence and beauty of the world around him
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Mumbai-based Sadhna Prasad tells us how ‘displacement’ drives her colourful and fantastical practice. Enter her alternate reality through the film and download the special artist poster below
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Sound-artist Myles and graphic designer Ameya have come together to create an immersive digital environment celebrating the biodiversity of India. Watch the film to get a glimpse into their collaboration and download a special artist poster below